About us

Welcome to LoveOfBags !

If you love bags, you are at the right place!

I founded this company in October 2019 as I was looking for special handbags that you do not see every day. At the same time, I did not want to pay excessive prices for designer bags.

A handbag is very personal, it needs to match your style, should express your individuality and should be practical. It should be nice to wear, resist the daily use and fit each occasion.

This is why I offer selected bags with extraordinary designs at fair prices. Many of our products are handmade and absolutely comparable to designer bags and branded products. Most of our products are not branded. This is why we can offer lower prices compared to branded products. Our partners are mostly unknown – this is why they do not produce in masses. They are produced in smaller quantities but with a lot of care.

Our suppliers stock the products for us, this is why we do not have any stockholding costs and only low financial costs. We do not use shipping boxes with a printed logo and try to use as less packaging material as possible. Of course, your order arrives still in good shape. By the way, we only ship from Germany.

You can return each order free of charge within 30 days of receipt. This way, you have enough time to check our quality. And you have a product guarantee of 2 years!

I am convinced that you will love our products as I do.

Keep in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram – you can find the links below on this page.

Happy shopping!


If you have questions, please fill out the form below or contact us by 

phone: +49 (0) 2631 9393-912

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